How Many Calories In A Slice Of Cantaloupe?

The melon is full of vitamins and minerals.

Cantaloupe is a great choice if you’re looking for a refreshing, healthy and low-cal food.

How many calories in a slice of cantaloupe Cantaloupe contains 60 calories in a cup, less than many other fruits. One medium banana has 105 calories, a cup of grapes has 104 calories, a medium apple has 95 calories, and one cup of pineapple chunks has 82 calories, according to the USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory. Similar to cantaloupe, some fruits with lower calories are strawberry, watermelon and honeydew melon.
A single serving of cantaloupe has 53 calories and has less than one third of the daily value of vitamins A and C. It’s a great source of vitamins K and F. A cup of honeydew contains 60 calories, 51 percent of the daily value of the vitamins C and K, and 11 percent of the body’s excretions. Fiber, B6 and other vitamins can be found in honeydew. Watermelon has 46 calories in it’s one-cup serving. It has a good amount of the vitamins A, C and K and is also rich in the antioxidant lycopene which reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease and age related eye disorders.

How many calories are in a medium cantaloupe? Adding cantaloupe to your diet at 60 calories and no fat per one cup serving will help you get the vitamins and minerals you want in your diet.

Are cantaloupes good for you?

Can you show me how to make cantaloupe good for weight loss? If you have to eat cantaloupe, you should remember that the sugar content is high so it is not advisable to eat during the weight-loss period.
cantaloupe is a good source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as being good for the health of the body. The deep-orange flesh of the fruit is low in calories and full of flavor.
It’s possible to get leaner by reducing your energy intake and cantaloupe doesn’t burn fat. You can substitute it for bagels, chips, cookies and other snacks in order to cut back on carbs and stay full longer.
Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals to the body, which helps it fight diseases and bad cholesterol in a weight loss diet. Fruits are a good source of vitamins and minerals, and they’re also high in fiber and water to help you stay hydrated. According to nutrition experts, a diet consisting of a larger percentage of organic and raw fruits and vegetables, instead of whole grains and fats is the way to go. There are many things you need to know about Parkinson’s Day 2022, including signs, symptoms, causes and treatment.

Do cantaloupe make you poop? A high water content and fiber can be found in cantaloupe. Constipation can be prevented with fiber and water.

Eating too much cantaloupe?

What if you eat a lot of cantaloupe? cantaloupes have a lot of vitamins and minerals, which can cause a problem in the form of Potassium. It is possible to get this mineral from cantaloupes, which can lower your blood pressure. If you have kidney disease, too much of it may cause problems.

The healthiest fruit

We wanted the experts to help us determine which fruits really go above and beyond, based on the most recent research and their nutrition profile.

How much calories are you supposed to eat a day?

This is the best low- calories food to keep you full because boiled potatoes rank in the top spot on the satiety index.
The 2020-2025Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that adult women consume between 1,600 and 2,400 calories per day. The daily amount for men is between 2,200 and 3,200 calories.


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